The GET CLOSER project gathered European folkloric values with innovative learning materials as well as introduction of this values. Thus, we develop a new educational programme in the field of creativity and social inclusion. The illustrative and attractive online learning environment consisting of different art demonstration and their soft skills development effect will offer new tools for youth workers.
Join the project e-learning platform to explore cultural heritage:
Ne kadar yemek harcadığımızı hiç düşündün mü? Dünya nüfusunu beslemek için fazlasıyla yeterli gıda üretilirken, milyonlarca insan hala günlük gıda ihtiyaçlarını karşılayamazken, bunun neredeyse üçte biri her yıl kayboluyor ya da israf ediliyor.
"Educating youth on food security and reduction of food waste for a sustainable lifestyle" Avrupa Birliği Erasmus + Programı tarafından finanse edilen, Arrabal AİD tarafından ve Avrasya Gençlik Gelişim Derneği ortaklığı ile koordine edilen ve gençler üzerinde çevre ve iklim değişikliği zorlukları konusunda farkındalık yaratmaya odaklanan yeni bir projedir. Farklı bir yaşam tarzına duyulan acil ihtiyaca cevap vermek ve yaygın eğitimin önemini anlamak, sürdürülebilir yaşam seçimleri, güvenli gıda tüketimi ve gıda atıklarının azaltılması konusunda yenilikçi bir eğitim programı önermektedir.
Projemiz kapsamında içerisinde Türkçe seçeneği de bulunan,
- Sürdürülebilir çevre, toplum ve ekonomi
- Organik tedaviler ve hava koşullarına dayalı gıda üretimi
- Gençlerin sosyo-mesleki refahı
- Gıda güvenliği ve sıfır gıda atığı
- Gıda israfını azaltmak için sürdürülebilir strateji
eğitim modüllerimizi test etmek için e-öğrenme platformumuza kayıt olmaya davetlisiniz!
We are happy to share with you that the "Digital Threat Benders In Youth Work" (DIGIBENDERS) Erasmus+ Project Toolbox is now available!
We have released the "Stress Management Through Physical Activation" booklet which includes good practices in sport activities such as streetball, tennis, trekking, yoga, dancing and basketball. The contents of the booklet including materials possible for distance learning, examples of the best practices and exchange ideas and implementation. In order to eliminate the lack of knowledge and to be informed of the latest improvements in the field; we have set up a-this digital contents for potential beneficiaries:
Baske Ostarije,Croatia 12-20 August 2020.
Partnership Building Activity, November 2019, Vienna, Austria
Toolbox “Being your Host”: Non-formal education and learning tools in the field of community work with and for young refugees
The toolbox “Being your Host” is intended as an open learning resource for youth workers that are engaged in community work with young refugees, asylum seekers and young people with migration background. Specifically: project managers, community leaders, educators, facilitators, social workers, intercultural mediators that are interested to improve their ability in the social inclusion of excluded groups.
The toolbox consists of a series of samples of non-formal learning activities, background texts, references and direct web-based links to useful sources of information, including a case study on “unaccompanied refugee children”. The learning activities are structured to be simple and practical, along with concrete guidelines and samples that users can put into practice in their daily work and adapt to a variety of educational and community contexts. Each of the learning activities in the toolbox leads on from the previous one in a logical progression.
The toolbox could also be used in formal settings such as schools, colleges and universities addressing development challenges as well as for project managers and experts engaged in the design and implementation of development programmes and initiatives addressing young refugees and migrants.The toolbox is also intended for other interested users who are either new to the field or have limited experience.
The toolbox is developed in the frame of the project “BEING YOUR HOST - Better INclusion of YOUng Refugees in Hosting SocieTies” funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, Key Action 1 - Mobility of youth workers.