We are thrilled to announce that the KA-220 YOU project “Youth-Led Activism” was approved by the NA in North Macedonia.
The purpose of this project is to analyze young people’s online experience in social activism movements, including their preferences, themes, usage of language, and perceived impact. It will support young people to channel their energy, creativity and aspirations and become future activists. The proposed programs will build young people’s skills, knowledge and confidence while helping them more effectively express their voices, build relationships with decision-makers, and break down socio-cultural and institutional barriers to participation.
And guess what! Once again, we will bring the new technology close to our dear youngsters by building a brand-new Youth-Led Activism digital platform.
With the advancement of technology, young people will be harnessing new opportunities to make their voices heard and participate in public life through alternative means such as online forums, mobile phone texting, e-democracy and social media.
The project coordinator is Youth on Board, and the project partners are Cuicui Studios S.L from Spain, Bio Network Association from Bulgaria and Avrasya Genclik Gelisim Dernegi from Turkey.
Our new adventure is just about to start
Stay tuned and be ready for the YLA project.
Ortaklığını yürüttüğümüz Youth-Led Activism KA220 projesinin final konferansı için iki dernek temsilcilerimiz 27 Eylül’de Bulgaristan’da gerçekleşen konferansta bizleri temsil etti.
Dünyanın her yerinden gençlerin çeşitli sosyal konulardaki farkındalık kampanyalarını yükleyebilecekleri ve benzer düşüncelere sahip gençlerle bağlantı kurabilecekleri YLA platformunun lansmanı da bu kongrede gerçekleşti.